Voice of the Customer™
(Video Deliverables)

Video Editing
Raw footage (video and audio) is professionally engineered to reduce/remove all types of background “noise”, improving the quality to make the footage more “useable”. This can be done with a facility’s stationary recordings or with video from Focus Vision or Active Group.
Video Clip
A visual/audio verbatim, specifically selected for its content as a means to relate to the viewer a key insight uncovered during research. Typically, a VC is incorporated into mostly a slide- based presentation and / or report that KMR will be preparing as a final deliverable.
Video Highlight
The aforementioned Video Clips are compiled from all cities, phases, and segments of research providing the viewer an efficient means of quickly grasping key research findings prior to – or in some cases – in lieu of reading an accompanying final report deliverable, also provided by KMR. VHRs are commonly used to illustrate findings during workshops and knowledge transfer sessions, and vary in length from about 5 to 20 minutes.
Video Report
A Video Report is an all-inclusive custom production, which documents the research study and guides the viewer from the study’s premise, through its goals, to its discoveries, culminating with the investigation’s conclusions and recommendations. A typical VR runs 20-30 minutes and includes narration and a variety of media, including slides, tables, graphs, video clips and supporting
animation as appropriate. VRs are used to engage client stakeholders or other company audiences, as a unique means of sharing results compared to a traditional slide deck. A VR can be provided in lieu of or in compliment with KMR’s final report deliverable.